Bleaching/ Veneers/ Porcelain crowns

About dental cosmetic, our clinic offers three main procedures: teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and porcelain crowns.

Teeth Whitening (Office Bleaching):
Office Bleaching is a method that uses blue light and specialized whitening agents to reduce stains on teeth and make them appear whiter and brighter.

Teeth Whitening (Home Bleaching):
Home Bleaching refers to using specific whitening products or tools, such as whitening solutions or specialized toothpaste, to whiten teeth in the comfort of one's home.

Porcelain Veneers:
Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like dental materials that are bonded to the teeth's surface to repair defects and improve their appearance, shape, and color.

Porcelain Crowns:
Porcelain crowns are dental restorations made of ceramic materials. They completely cover damaged or defective teeth, restoring their appearance and function.

  • Teeth Whitening:
    The process of teeth whitening involves applying a bleaching gel to the tooth surfaces. The active ingredients in the solution break down the pigment molecules on the teeth. The gel is left on the teeth for a specific period, further breaking down the pigments and making the teeth appear brighter and whiter.
  • Porcelain Veneers:
    Porcelain veneers are a tooth restoration method that involves tooth preparation, impression taking, veneer fabrication, and bonding. Thin porcelain shells are bonded to the tooth surfaces to improve appearance, shape, and color while preserving the natural tooth structure. This process typically requires a few dental visits.
  • Porcelain Crowns:
    The process of porcelain crowns begins with the reduction of damaged or defective teeth. An impression of the teeth is taken, and custom-made porcelain crowns are fabricated. Finally, the crowns are fixed onto the teeth by the dentist to restore appearance and function. This process usually requires multiple dental visits.

After teeth whitening, it is important to:

  1. Avoid consuming staining food and drinks, quit smoking, maintain good oral hygiene, have regular cleanings, avoid excessive use of whitening products, moderate intake of coffee, tea, and red wine, and have regular dental check-ups.
  2. After installing porcelain veneers or crowns, it is important to: Avoid biting hard objects, maintain proper oral hygiene, have regular cleanings, avoid staining food and drinks, avoid teeth grinding, have regular follow-up checks, and follow the dentist's advice.

Home Bleaching


Whitening Bleaching



$8000 up

Teeth whitening F&Q

Teeth whitening is generally safe when performed under dental supervision. However, excessive use of whitening products can lead to tooth sensitivity or gum irritation, so it should be used as directed.

The duration of teeth whitening effects varies from person to person, but it typically lasts for several months to a few years. Regular maintenance of good oral hygiene and avoiding staining foods can help prolong the results.

Whitening toothpaste and strips usually only lighten surface stains on teeth and have limited effectiveness. For more noticeable whitening results, it's best to undergo professional whitening procedures under dental supervision.

When used properly and under dental supervision, teeth whitening should not cause damage to tooth structure. Dentists adapt the dosage and duration to minimize impact on tooth structure.

Porcelain Veneers F&Q

Porcelain veneers are thinner and only require the front surface of the tooth to be restored, while traditional dental crowns cover the entire tooth. Porcelain veneers preserve more of the natural tooth structure and provide a more natural appearance.

The lifespan of all-ceramic veneers varies depending on individual care and habits, but generally, they can last from 5 to 15 years. Regular check-ups and following the dentist's advice can help extend their lifespan.

Porcelain veneers are fixed onto the teeth and cannot be removed by oneself. They are designed and bonded with precision to provide strong fixation and durability.

Installing porcelain veneers typically involves slight tooth surface preparation to ensure proper bonding. Dentists strive to preserve as much of the tooth structure as possible to achieve optimal results and protect the teeth.

Porcelain Crowns F&Q

Porcelain crown is made entirely of ceramic material, while a ceramioc metal crown is a combination of metal and ceramic. porcelain crowns provide a more natural appearance and are suitable for visible front teeth.

Some people may experience temporary sensitivity or discomfort after the installation of a porcelain crown, but this is typically temporary and gradually subsides.

Porcelain crowns are made of ceramic material, which has good resistance to discoloration. However, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding exposure to staining foods and drinks can help preserve the color of the crown.

Yes, a porcelain crown can be combined with other dental treatments such as orthodontics, dental implants, or teeth whitening to achieve a more comprehensive treatment outcome.