
- Diet:
在種牙手術後一個禮拜內,要選吃軟質食物,避免進食熱食或咀嚼困難的食物;及後可慢慢恢復正常的飲食習慣,但仍要儘量避免吃咬硬食物或過分咬合。 - Personal Hygiene:
患者應長期保持良好的口腔清潔習慣,包括刷牙不要過量用力﹑選用軟毛牙刷﹑定期使用漱口水,及避免直接刷到種牙範圍等,可用牙線清潔植牙周圍的縫隙。 - Avoid Irritants:
術後恢復期間避免抽煙和飲酒,因為這些行為會影響傷口癒合的過程。 - Regular Check-Ups:
患者須定期接受牙科檢查,以確保種牙狀態維持正常,並可及早發現任何異常問題。 - Discomfort and Problems:
Following these instructions will help ensure the success and smooth recovery of the implant. If you have any questions or need further guidance, consult your dentist for professional advice.

During the surgery, local anesthesia is typically used to minimize pain and discomfort. There may be mild discomfort or swelling after the surgery, but these can usually be alleviated with pain medication or ice packs as recommended by your dentist.
Implants are considered a long-term solution, but their success depends on individual oral hygiene and maintenance. Regular dental check-ups and good oral care contribute to the long-term stability of implants.
Like any surgery, implant surgery carries some risks, such as infection, bleeding, nerve damage, etc. However, these risks are generally rare under the guidance of dentist.
Yes, implant surgery typically requires multiple visits. The first visit involves a preliminary examination and assessment, followed by the surgery. Subsequent follow-up visits are necessary to ensure the success of the implant.
Typically, after implant surgery, a waiting period of several monthsis required for the implant to integrate with the jawbone. After that, the dentist will create and install the artificial teeth, which may require additional visits.
After implant surgery, temporary dentures or removable dentures can be considered to protect the implant area and maintain normal chewing function. The dentist will provide appropriate recommendations based on individual circumstances and needs.
The success rate of implant surgery is generally high, but it depends on several factors, including the surgical technique, patient's oral hygiene habits, and the condition of the jawbone. Regular dental check-ups and good oral care contribute to higher success rates of implants.
Yes, after implant surgery, normal chewing function can usually be restored. The artificial teeth provide stable support, allowing you to chew various foods normally. However, during the recovery period, it is advisable to avoid excessive biting or chewing of hard foods to avoid putting excessive pressure on the implants.